Mutrah Fish Market, Muscat

A visit to the fish market in Mutrah is one of the best ways to experience the local hustle and bustle, as the fishermen arrive in their boats, bringing their catch. You need to arrive at dawn, because the activities start very early in the day. It is interesting to see the fish being unloaded and carried into the nearby market building; or simply being sold right there on the spot, as restaurant owners come by to negotiate.

As a photographer, it is a place full of opportunities, and I simply walked around for a while with camera in hand, greeting people along the way. I find it a good approach to be nice and open about what I am planning to do, which is take photos. After a while, nobody pays me any attention anymore. For this visit, I used the Fujifilm X-T4 and the Voigtlaender X 35mm f/1.2 lens, which is manual focus. I like this lens very much, it is small and manual focusing is a breeze.

On the pier.
Bringing the fish.

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I was born in Lisbon in 1966, and I am a geologist. My main interests as a photographer are Landscapes, Travel, and People. I have been fortunate enough to work in different places and contacted diverse cultures. I am also fortunate to live in a small, but beautiful country, Portugal.